Simply Blessed

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Heavy Heart...

Why? I have so many questions running through my head and absolutely no answers. Why should a parent lose their infant suddenly? Why should a child have to suffer through cancer? Why should a parent have to watch their child suffer and then lose them? All I know is it makes me so thankful for each day my children are here with me and healthy and it also scares me to death. I know that any one of these things can happen to anyone at anytime and we will never understand why. I have faith in God that he is in control and I have to just except that I may never know why these things happen. I am reminded everyday to love my children and truly soak it all in, because we never know how long we will have them. I have learned that life is NOT fair. Just some things on my mind tonight as two different families (and I'm sure many more) are going through the hardest time in their life as they say goodbye too soon to their children. My heart is literally heavy and my breath taken away in sorrow for these families. Please say a prayer tonight that God will give them peace, comfort, and healing as only He can.

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