Simply Blessed

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Just a little something that came to me...

Little Lessons

A mother's job may be the hardest it seems;

to figure out life's mysteries and what they all mean.

How can your baby so tiny, sweet, and new,

in a blink be four years old, and know much more than you?

Or so it seems she does; she seems wise beyond her days,

she knows that every second of everyday is the perfect time for play.

The perfect time to love and the perfect time to share;

no, fear is not a friend of hers, she's not afraid to care.

She doesn't know what loss feels like; this I'm grateful for,

she puts her all in everything and welcomes what's in store.

So I guess as her mother I should take notes and learn from it,

and enjoy every day we are given right down to the last minute.

Yes, it's hard as a mother, to watch your child grow so fast;

but take it all in, soak it all up, and make these memories last.

She won't be little for long; each day cannot be redone,

so make time count, and do it right, and don't forget to have fun.

~KEaves 08.17.2010~

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