Simply Blessed

Tuesday, August 17, 2010 goes nothing.. I am..officially becoming a blogger. Yay! I have been following a couple of blogs for the past few months, and I have come to realize I really enjoy reading them. I decided I should give this a try. I have so many hilarious and unexpected things happen daily with a four year old and a new baby, and I thought, why not write about it somewhere and share the humor.  : )  I'm not sure how long it will take me to get the hang of this, but I am excited to start.

        So today's funny thing my four year old shared was actually very sweet and something that gave me goose bumps. You know you wonder where kids come up with the things they say and sometimes you just admit defeat and realize there is no explanation other than some magical place called childhood. Ella came up to me today and said " Mama, my God doesn't live in the sky; my God lives in my house and He gives me wings like a butterfly so that I can fly." So matter of factly, she didn't realize the impact of that statement, but I did. God works in funny ways to communicate things to us and I definaetely got a message. God does take care of us, and if we allow Him, He makes it possible for us to achieve the impossible. Things are not always perfect for those who believe in Him, but they are definetly easier when we believe. Knowing that we have Him to lean on and to trust, I know for me, makes things easier to cope with. Well, I didn't mean for this to turn into a sermon..haha..but other than the laugh I got from her thoughts, I also got a reminder of how good God is. Well, that's all for Blog #1! Hope to share more soon~
My Butterfly: Ella

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