Simply Blessed

Monday, August 30, 2010

Look Out Panthers...Here I Come!

  So I'm about a week late, but I had to share about Ella's first day of school. It is a day I will never forget. A day of joy and sadness all rolled into one. So this is how it went:

            I woke up extra early to make sure that everything was in order and would flow smoothly for Ella's first day of preschool. I don't know if that upset feeling in my stomach was me being more nervous for her, me, or both. I woke her up and she was already so excited to go to school. On her first day, the plan was to take her to school, eat breakfast with her, and then leave. We talked it over with her so that she would know what to expect. I explained to her that Mommy's and Daddy's could not stay at school and that I would be back to pick her up after lunch. (We are only sending her for half days, seeing as though they really only nap in the afternoons) So as we arrived at school, her smile was contagious. She was so ready to be at school. We went in and put her backpack away and ventured through the classroom, taking it all in. Everything was still going good. We then walked to the cafeteria, and as she sat to eat breakfast, here came the tears. Just little ones, though, no meltdowns. =) She was upset and did not want daddy and me to leave. I assured her that we were not leaving until after breakfast and that seemed to calm her nerves. So we finished breakfast and then headed to the playground. That was right up her alley! She loves to be outside. As she was looking around, she was stuck to me like glue, and I really thought that at any moment I might lose it. I was so worried that if I let the tears start, there would be no holding it back.

         So here was the big moment..time for us to leave our baby girl, who seemed way to little to be left, and let her go. I know this sounds overly dramatic, but come on, this is a HUGE deal! We have sheltered her and protected her for 4 years, and now I have to trust someone else to take care of her as I would, to love her as I would, and to praise her as I would. I lead her to her teacher and gave her a hug and kiss and told her I would be back in a couple of hours, and just when I thought all heck would break loose, she said "okay mommy" and smiled and walked away. I think God knew I needed that. In amazement, I looked at my husband and said "Let's go!" I held it together until the parking lot and then let it out, and after a good little cry, it was all better.
     It couldn't have gone any better. She was filled with wonder as she started her day and was so enthused to be a preschooler! She was all smiles, and although you could see that she was a bit scared, she put on her big girl pants and faced the unknown. When I arrived to pick her up, she was so excited to tell me all about it. We took home her first preschool art. It was a picture of a big dinosaur that she had painted blue. It was beautiful if I must say so. ;)  We left the school hand in hand as she exclaimed " I loved it!"

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