Simply Blessed

Monday, August 16, 2010

That's what I love about Sundays...

      So I know I'm a day late for Sunday, but I just had to share about our wonderful day. Both of our girls were dedicated to God. It was an amazing service. I couldn't help but be emotional. God has blessed us with two beautiful girls, and to commit to raise them to live for Him is something I take very seriously. I want both of my girls to live as God wants them to. I want them to treat others kindly, to stand up for what they believe, and to teach others about Jesus. I want them to care about others and to help those in need. So as I think about what this dedication really means, I realize that I am raising the standard that I need to live up to. I can not just tell my girls to do these things, but rather I need to be a living example. I need to show them how to love others, how to help others, and how to be a friend. In a nutshell, I have big shoes to fill. I know that in today's times, at least for us, we spoil our girls rotten. They want for nothing and don't know what it's like to go without. And although we enjoy spoiling them, I never want them to grow up to be a self centered person who doesn't have empathy for others. So in addition to all the responsibilities we have as a parent, I have taken on this new commitment to raise Christian girls, and I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

     So, after the dedication, we all went back to the house and grilled out burgers. YUM.  Having family there to celebrate with us was great. The rest of the day was spent visiting a couple friends and then swimming until dark. It was a well spent summer day that will forever be remembered. Well, that's all for today. Just wanted to share a little bit of our special Sunday. Hope you all had a great weekend too! Here's to a good week! :)

1 comment:

  1. Love this blog, really enjoy reading them! We had Adilee and Jackson dedicated too. It is a big responsibility, but I am with you I wouldn't have it any other way :) Talk to you later and looking forward to the next entry. This is from Holly, but says!
